Wildfire Farms Mares
Rubies N Diamonds
2012 Bay Mare - NCHA LTE 36k+
Dual Rey (LTE $105k, OE $47.2M+) x Hicks Little Diamond (LTE $112k, PE $274k+ with foals coming of show age. By Docs Hickory x Diamond J Oak - PE $567k+)
Tallic Tuff
2018 Red Roan Mare - NCHA $25,000 + (currently being shown)
Woody Be Tuff x Metallic Blu
(PE $65,000+, by Metallic Cat out of Moras Spoonful - PE $73,000+. Moras Spoonful is out of Miss Hickory Pep - PE $163,000)
Smooth Catoure
2017 Sorrel Mare - NCHA $20,000 + (currently being shown)
Smooth As A Cat x Autumn Kitty (LTE 100k, PE $147,000+, by High Brow Cat x Autumn Boon - PE 2 Million+)

Bet Shesa Quick Cat
2016 Brown Mare - NCHA $20,000+ (currently being shown)
Bet Hesa Cat x Ms Peptostripmal
(by Peptoboonsmall; Full sibling to Moody Blue Boon $134,268 NCHA, Moody Blues Brother $50,687 NRCHA, Peptoboondoll $38,587, Peptoriffic $26,682; Out of
Lenas Lisette, by Doc O'Lena. PE $258,361)
Santana Tonette
2007 AQHA Sorrel Mare - AQHA Point earner, Ranch Cutting Earner
Short Of Santana (OE $1M+ NCHA, by Shorty Lena) x Fletches Tonette (Producer of AQHA Point Earners. by Royal Fletch LTE $235k x Shea Freckles - dam of: Stylish Freckles PE $302k, Stylin Tonette PE $200k)
First foal arriving 2022.
SR Stylish Lil Sister
2018 AQHA Bay Mare
Brother Tuff Wood (Full Brother to $7.6M sire Woody Be Tuff) x The Stylish One (LTE $25k, PE almost $100k with foals coming of show age. By Docs Stylish Oak - OE $9.1M)
Ichi Eyes
2016 AQHA Sorrel Rabicano Mare
Cat Ichi (LTE $306k, OE $7.2M) x My Little Abra (LTE $65k, PE $737k. By Abrakadabracre x The Better Choice - PE $2.7M+)
Full Sister to "The Animal," and "Ichis My Choice"
First foal arriving 2022